What People Are Saying About Fast Track MATH
Jay's website is the best tool a teacher can have.
This website saves me hours of prep. I use it everyday.
Jmath has been crucial in providing the skills necessary for my students to pass end-of-course testing.
My students adore the way Jay presents math concepts. His videos are great because I can stop them at any time to further clarify or practice. And those spot-on worksheet save so much teacher preparation time!!"
My students find your videos and style of teaching very calming and so helpful.
I have been using Jay's website for a few years now. I have nothing but good feedback from m students. Jay teaches math in a way they can easily comprehend.
I recommend your site to all my students who need to up their game in math and they LOVE it. Thanks Jay.
About Jay
Jay attended Ball State University because it was known as the teachers' college in the 1960’s. He graduated in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science degree in education licensed to teach
secondary math, physical education & health. He earned his Master of Science degree from
Indiana University of South Bend in 1978 and later received an Administrative License, also at
IUSB (1994).
Jay has 40 plus years teaching middle school, high school, college and adult education. He is the author of Diffuse the Math Bomb (2004), Algebra Highlights Made Simple (2009), HSE Algebra Sweet 16​ (2014, 2021) and The Adult Ed Math Book (2020). He retired from the classroom in 2018 and now maintains this website for several adult education programs.
- Creator of Jmath
- Presented Several Workshops to Adult Ed Staffs
- Presenter at IAACE, French Lick, IN 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2019
- Presenter at IAACE, Florence, IN 2022
- Presenter at COABE, Dallas, TX 2016
- Math Webinars 2016 – 2020
Available Courses
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HSE Math
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HSE Math Webinars
- 1. Ratio & Proportion (Watch this lesson)
- 2. Data & Statistics
- 3. Circles, Arcs & Angles
- 4. Exponential Functions
- 5. Graphing Linear Equations
- 6. Graphs at a Glance
- 7. Perimeter, Area & Volume
- 8. Functions
- 9. Evaluate Expressions & Literal Equations
- 10. Multi-Step Equations
- 11. Radicals & Radical Equations
- 12. Geometry Vocabulary
- 13. Order of Operations & Integers
- 14. Exponent Rules
- 15. Graphing Inequalities
- 16. Polynomials & Combining Like Terms
- 17. Factoring & Solving Equations
- 18. The Quadratic Formula
- 19. Fractions & Algebra
- 20. Calculator Use
- 21. Real & Imaginary Numbers
- 22. Probability
- 23. Parallel Lines & Triangle Angles